07 April 2013

Signs of Spring - Sundays in My City

Spring is not here...Yet.

If you use the Dog Hair Metric, then spring has been on the way for at least a month.  I comb this much hair out every couple days despite the fact that it's still below freezing outside.

 And it can be seen on every surface in the house.


Some flowers sprang up in my yard last week.

Since the sun came out today the dogs and I headed to our old home (the hotel where we spent our first 7 weeks in country) and ran the hills and steps. It's a popular place to get in some exercise and by the time we left it was getting busy.

What you see in the middle is the handrail of the steps that go up to the top of the hill. At the top on the right is the top of indoor ski slope.
The view from the top (and a dog shadow).
We jogged up to the top by way of the winding but very steep path.  Then we ran down a section, up a section, down two sections, up a section...until we made it to the bottom and had run up each section.  We did that a 2nd time but only after doing 10 rounds of squat jumps, two steps at a time (The dogs took a break in the water while I did that).  I was surprised that the dogs kept up with me the entire time although I think they thought I was a little silly going up and down and up and down.  Even at 8 and 13 those dogs still have a lot of life in them (lucky for me because they're great companions)!  An hour later, after driving home, eating and showering, my legs were still shaking!! It was a great workout and a great way to start the day.

The sun woke up the tulips and it finally felt a little warm today.

It's supposed to stay above freezing this week but there's rain on the way.  SIGH.  We were lucky to have such a beautiful day to enjoy today!

For more spring adventures, check out the other SIMC posts over at Unknown Mami.

Unknown Mami


  1. Glad to see spring has arrived in some places. Just not here yet. The poor flowers are trying to stay in the warm ground.

    1. Spring is not here yet, Judy. Hopefully soon!

  2. I loved, loved, loved the photograph of the dog hair. I feel your pain. Great shots of flowers. I wish my garden was in good shape this year, but I just changed rental houses a few months ago. The yard here is still in need of much work.

    1. Laurie -- I took out my garden last fall because I was supposed to have moved by now. The flowers came from...??? I still need to reestablish grass where I had the vegetables planted and where the dogs have dug holes. I might get a few things planted in pots this year but I won't move in time to garden at the new house this season :( I think you have good weather longer than I do so good luck with the yard!

  3. What a view!
    I don't have a dog neither a garden - that's why it's interesting to read blog posts!

    1. Those flowers just popped up. I didn't plant them. The dogs were intentional, though :O)

  4. I have two Labs who shed so much I could create a new dog every couple of days just from all the black hair I sweep up.

    Your flowers are gorgeous!

    1. I keep thinking I should be able to make pillows or something from all that hair!

  5. Yay tulips... I love them. Mine are still hiding from the cold but I hope they will appear soon


  6. Aux Contraire, my friend. Spring IS here - - - it just happens to be a rather cool one!

    We still have mounds (shrinking now, but there nonetheless) of dirty snow all over our landscape.

    I have some tulips in my yard too - - - but they are barely buds sprouting out of the ground at this point, no blooms for quite a while yet.

    1. I stand corrected. Spring may officially have arrived but spring-like weather has not!

  7. Wow! That really is a lot of dog hair. Good for you getting out and getting some exercise! I need to motivate myself to do the same. Also, beautiful flowers in your garden. Thanks for sharing!

  8. Beautiful pictures. The flowers are lovely - I love the yellow and orange ones. They look so unique. Thanks for visiting my blog.

    1. The yellow and orange flowers are just tulips. We have a lot of varieties here! I have no idea who planted them, though.

  9. That looks like a tough workout, at least it has a nice view :)

    1. It was a tough workout but it was fun. However, I did not adequately stretch after and I've been hobbling around ever since. My calves feel like they're 2" shorter now :(

  10. The hair cracked me up! You have such stunning views and the flowers are really coming in beautifully!


  11. I'm so impressed by your workout. I think I shed about as much hair as your dogs.
