04 November 2014

Awesome Travel Company (That Happens to be Vegan)

About a year and a half ago I posted about my trip to Malaga and the fabulous Vegan BnB where I stayed. The proprietor of the Vegan BnB, Emma, has expanded her operation and now runs a vegan tour company in Guatemala half the year. 

Even if you're not vegan (I am not) I can tell you that Emma's food is fantastic and her approach to tourism is very responsible, sustainable and locally-focused - which I love.  She has some amazing tours coming up in the next several months and if you've ever thought about visiting Guatemala, taking an eco-friendly vacation, trying amazing vegan food or are just looking for an adventure, I urge you to check out what she has to offer. 

She also offers accommodation (with amazing vegan breakfast) and tours in Malaga during the spring/summer months.  Malaga was one of my favorite vacations and Emma is part of the reason.

Check out The Veganbnb Travel site and book your next vacation!
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All photos were borrowed from Veganbnbtravel.com (hope Emma doesn't mind) to show you what you can expect from Emma's trips!
**I received no compensation for posting this recommendation and all opinions are my own...I just think Emma is great and I'd love to see her business really take off.  Please feel free to post about her or pass along this information if you're so inclined...especially if you know other people interested in vegan travel!


  1. I really hope to use her services at some point!

    1. I know you'll love what she does, Angie! I think we should plan a trip together :D
