25 May 2014

10 Years - Sundays In My City

Ten years ago this weekend this lovely creature came into my life.

Our first meeting at the local animal shelter.  I went back the next weekend (this weekend, 10 years ago) and took her home with me.
Since then we've moved across the state, then across the country, then across the ocean and now back again.  That's about 10,000 miles of relocation!!  She's been there with me through good, bad, up, down and everything in between. 

Her face has gone mostly white over the years but she's still very young at heart.
Despite some age-related hearing loss she's still alert and ready to go.
And she loves her mama!
 So of course, this called for a celebration!

Tex heard there was cake and wanted in on that action!
Here's hoping we have many, many more years together!! Love you baby girl!

Linking up with Unknown Mami for Sundays in My City.  Click the button below and check it out.

Unknown Mami


  1. Happy birthday to your beautiful fur kid. Pets work their way into our hearts and become such special companions. Here's to many more fun years together.

  2. Your dog has a face that's easy to fall in love with!
    Happy SIMC

  3. Definitely worth a celebration! Happy Anniversary!

  4. Sweet! Happy birthday to her! I love her face. Reminds me of a pup we had decades ago. !

  5. What a beautiful girl! Happy Birthday to her!

  6. She's such a trooper seeing that she's been around the world with you. I'm such a dog lover, so I love this post. Happy anniversary and wishing you and your pup many more years together!
