05 January 2014

Fronger Park, Oslo - Sundays in My City

I could give you the history of the park and some background on the sculptor but I won't. I just give you a few of the figures (feel free to look it up, though). 

I loved how they were so realistic...wrinkles and folds and sags and not just well-chiseled features. I found them incredibly beautiful!

Connecting with Unknown Mami, as usual, for her fabulous blog hop Sundays in My City.

Unknown Mami


  1. These are so beautiful....something very sensual and powerful about them


  2. I love the old man with the wrinkled forehead and mouth slightly caved in -- great photos of some neat looking sculptures

  3. Oh wow. These are amazing, I like the one with the baby. Thanks so much for sharing and thanks for visiting my blog.

  4. Wow, so much feeling in their forms! Love all of them:) Thanks for visiting my blog earlier. Was the reason for your time in Holland school or job? My son is there right now at one of the international universities (in the Hague)studying "European Studies."

  5. Nancy Lee-Phillips09 January, 2014 19:15

    Wow. All I can say is ....wow!!!
