11 August 2013

Temporary - Sundays in My City

Last week the dogs and I packed up the car and temporarily relocated to Mons, Belgium.

The traveling tomato plants (I wasn't about to leave them behind!  They now reside outside the office.)
 Mons is the home to Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) and that's where I'll be working for the next couple months.  We're living in a hotel.

Right across the street from the hotel is a park which is great for dog walking.

The Grand Place of Mons is about a 10 min. walk away.
I can't say I understand the gravel sidewalks and the dogs aren't too keen on them either.
War monument to American soldiers who died while fighting in Mons

That's our new temporary neighborhood.  It should be noted that Mons is in Wallonia which is the French-speaking part of Belgium. I. Do. NOT. Speak. French!  I miss the Netherlands!

Linking up with Unknown Mami for the always-interesting Sundays in My City. Go check it out!

Unknown Mami


  1. How beautiful! Good luck with the French. I have studied it off and on and can read a little. But I cannot speak or worse comprehend it when spoken.
    I love seeing the world through your lens.
    Happy Sunday!
    P.S. Here's the link to our latest Travel the World with a Star: http://www.astarinmyownuniverse.com/2013/08/08/travel-the-world-thursday-4-alcazaba-of-malaga/

    1. I do a lot of "smile and nod" and hope people think I'm missing a marble or two and leave me alone :) I've taken a few courses but even the words I know in my head refuse to come out of my mouth in any recognizable form!

  2. Gravel: it's cheaper to fix that sidewalk than put new flagstones...and that is better to walk in the winter time when it's slippery! I know! :)
    Enjoy your stay!
    ps. aren't you going to miss cooking?

    1. I got a room with a kitchenette so I can cook!! No oven but 2 burners and I can do a lot with that :)

  3. The park is beautiful. That's why Europe seems to unique to us in the Americas: it's so CLEAN.

    1. The sidewalks are trashier than in the Netherlands but there seems to be much less unpicked-up dog poo and that's rather welcome!

  4. What a wonderful place - we will be in Belgium for one day on our cruise. We land in Zeebrugge.

  5. French Belgium is breath-taking! I hope you enjoy your stay there and share lots of pictures. Oh, I have to look at these again!

    Happy week to you, "Dorothy"!

  6. You do not speak French yet! maybe one of the pups will pick it up. :) I hope you enjoy your stay. How's your running coming. I hurt my foot and haven't run in weeks. I feel so out of shape these days. I think I'm ready to hit the road again. I hope my foot is.

    1. Oh...I've TRIED to learn French but there's a disconnect between my brain and my mouth! The dogs...they don't listen in every language :) I went for a nice run on Sunday. Hoping for another tomorrow. Tough Mudder is less than 2 weeks away...YIKES!! Hope the foot feels better!!

  7. Schöne Fotos. Das 1. ist mein Favorit.
    Liebe Grüße, Wieczora (◔‿◔) | Mein Fotoblog

  8. I've never been to Mons, but it looks like a cute place to work from. And it's always great to have the company of your dogs!

  9. Love that your have your dogs with you.
