17 March 2013

Three Sets of Footprints - Sundays in My City

No, there is no religious poem here. You can be sure I won't ever do that!

It snowed again this week. And got down to 9 degrees. I cannot express how ready I am for warmer weather!!  Because I walk the dogs before most people are even awake we were the first to disturb the snow that started overnight.

Did I mention I'm over snow and freezing cold weather? It's sunny in San Francisco so go join Unknown Mami as she hosts scenes from cities around the world.

Unknown Mami


  1. Love the close-up of the snow. As much as the cold weather sucks, at least you got to be the first to disturb the snow!

  2. I don't have snow where I am, but I am so ready for spring to finally arrive too.

  3. Being the first to walk on fresh snow is like walking on the moon!

  4. Yeah me too.... bring on the sunshine please


  5. I like your snow tracks. We are in our hottest time of the year in Central America. It's dry and warm, so we make dust tracks. No fun.

  6. may be i will see you one day in stuttgart :) till than you can see my blog :)

  7. My heart goes out to you. I haven't seen snow for ten years now - and I don't miss it at all.
    Have a good week.

  8. Wish you could come over for a visit in person, just to warm up a bit.
