29 June 2008


9 weeks ago, 10 weeks seemed like a long time.

Now it feels like 9 weeks ago was more like 9 minutes ago.

I depart 1 week from today.

I have a feeling that 1 week will be gone in 1 second.

Still so much to do...

11 June 2008


I got my medical clearance today. Basically it means they've deemed me healthy enough to go. I still have to submit a TB test but that won't be an issue.

25 days and counting...

I'll be in Winchester, VA from the 6th to the 10th. On the 10th I fly to Frankfurt, Germany. On the 11th I fly to Dubai. On the 12th I fly to Kabul. I believe I spend a few days there before finally settling in at my final destination.

In the mean time, here are a few pictures a colleague took on her way to a project site...